2016 map_01 | Rooster Gallery, NY and 경기창작센터 창작지원팀 Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea
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The sound you are hearing comes from an electric gramophone, which is tied to the rooftop of a rotting jalopy that belongs to an old Korean couple who work in the fields. They use this method to announce and sell their products. This recording announces the following items: apples, bananas, persimmons, mandarins, strawberries, and peanuts… During the summer, this area is a vacation area with a lot of movement. During the winter however, the silence of the little mechanized agricultural activity emerges. This is the only sound I can hear in the surrounding area of the Gyeonggi Creation Center, where I am currently an artist-in-residence. This sound marks the territory because through sound one can identify routes. This sound marks the time because through sound one can identify the moment of the day